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Welcome to rabbitt!

rabbitt is an open source message and image board software.
The main instance for it runs at, but anyone can host their own rabbitt instance!

For example, you could run a rabbitt instance... Instructions for deploying your own rabbitt instance can be found here.

We prioritize giving flexible & powerful tools for moderation, as well as fine grained control over instance data & permissions for administrators and users.
We aim for rabbitt to be:
Lightweight low in resource usage, works great over slow internet connections
Easy to deploy and configure      so anyone can setup a rabbitt instance for their needs
Easy to modify so rabbitt can be customized to meet your requirements
Easy to interoperate with so rabbitt can work well with other software, or you can export your data
We encourage you to post any feedback, question, suggestion, or other to

API Endpoints

Action Auth? Endpoint Params
Auth & Users
Authenticating POST /login {'signin_username': TEXT, 'signin_password': TEXT }
Getting a user GET /api/users/<uid>
Getting a channel info GET /api/channels/<channel_name>
Updating a channel info (with proper permission) POST /api/channels/<channel_name> {'title': TEXT, 'description': TEXT, 'sidebar': TEXT, 'privacy': TEXT }
Subscribing to a channel POST /api/channels/<channel_name>/subscribe
Unsubscribing from a channel POST /api/channels/<channel_name>/unsubscribe
Posting to a channel POST /api/channels/<channel_name>/submit { 'post_title': TEXT, 'post_content': TEXT }
Getting an item GET /api/items/<uid>
Editing an item* (content only if not link) POST /api/items/<uid>
Deleting an item DELETE /api/items/<uid>
Commenting on an item POST /api/items/<uid>/comment { 'post_title': TEXT, 'post_content': TEXT }
Voting on an item POST /api/items/<uid>/vote { 'delta': INT[-1,0,1] }
Reporting an item POST /api/items/<uid>/report